Bootstrap TouchSpin- A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component that supports mouse wheel and UP/DOWN keys
initval |
"" |
Applied when no explicit value is set on the input with the value  attribute. Empty string means that the value remains empty on initialization. |
min |
0 |
Minimum value. |
max |
100 |
Maximum value. |
step |
1 |
Incremental/decremental step on up/down change. |
forcestepdivisibility |
'round' |
How to force the value to be divisible by step value:Â 'none' Â |Â 'round' Â |Â 'floor' Â |'ceil' |
decimals |
0 |
Number of decimal points. |
stepinterval |
100 |
Refresh rate of the spinner in milliseconds. |
stepintervaldelay |
500 |
Time in milliseconds before the spinner starts to spin. |
verticalbuttons |
false |
Enables the traditional up/down buttons. |
verticalupclass |
'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up' |
Class of the up button with vertical buttons mode enabled. |
verticaldownclass |
'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down' |
Class of the down button with vertical buttons mode enabled. |
prefix |
"" |
Text before the input. |
postfix |
"" |
Text after the input. |
prefix_extraclass |
"" |
Extra class(es) for prefix. |
postfix_extraclass |
"" |
Extra class(es) for postfix. |
booster |
true |
If enabled, the the spinner is continually becoming faster as holding the button. |
boostat |
10 |
Boost at every nth step. |
maxboostedstep |
false |
Maximum step when boosted. |
mousewheel |
true |
Enables the mouse wheel to change the value of the input. |
buttondown_class |
'btn btn-default' |
Class(es) of down button. |
buttonup_class |
'btn btn-default' |
Class(es) of up button. |
Triggered events
The following events are triggered on the original input by the plugin and can be listened on.
change |
Triggered when the value is changed with one of the buttons (but not triggered when the spinner hits the limit set bysettings.min  or settings.max . |
touchspin.on.startspin |
Triggered when the spinner starts spinning upwards or downwards. |
touchspin.on.startupspin |
Triggered when the spinner starts spinning upwards. |
touchspin.on.startdownspin |
Triggered when the spinner starts spinning downwards. |
touchspin.on.stopspin |
Triggered when the spinner stops spinning. |
touchspin.on.stopupspin |
Triggered when the spinner stops upspinning. |
touchspin.on.stopdownspin |
Triggered when the spinner stops downspinning. |
touchspin.on.min |
Triggered when the spinner hits the limit set by settings.min . |
touchspin.on.max |
Triggered when the spinner hits the limit set by settings.max . |
Callable events
The following events can be triggered on the original input.
Example usages:
$("input").trigger("touchspin.updatesettings", {max: 1000});
touchspin.updatesettings |
function(newoptions) : Update any setting of an already initialized TouchSpin instance. |
touchspin.uponce |
Increase the value by one step. |
touchspin.downonce |
Decrease the value by one step. |
touchspin.startupspin |
Starts the spinner upwards. |
touchspin.startdownspin |
Starts the spinner downwards. |
touchspin.stopspin |
Stops the spinner. |
Download from github. Please report issues and suggestions to github’s issue tracker or contact me on g+ or twitter!
Thanks for reading,
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