Locale supported Date & Time picker – A very good jQuery plugin with lot’s of parameter based functionalists.
One of the best jQuery based Calender for Date/Time input #Simple-dtpicker.js
DEMOS: http://mugifly.github.io/jquery-simple-datetimepicker/jquery.simple-dtpicker.html#
SOURCE and OPTIONS: https://github.com/mugifly/jquery-simple-datetimepicker/wiki/Options
See below for explanation, options of this library.
These options are also able to be used in combination.
You can specify language(locale) on calendar.
This option is reflected in changing the following items:
- Calendar
- Header (YYYY-MM)
- Days of the week (Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa)
- dateFormat default value
Default value
en (english)
Example of use
<div id="date-picker"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
"locale": "ja"
Available locales
Specify this option as two of the below characters.
- “en” : English (default)
- “ja” : Japanese
- “ru” : Russian – Thanks to: rdolgushin. (v1.1.3-)
- “br” : Brazil – Thanks to: Mauricio. (v1.1.4-)
- “cn” : Chinese – Thanks to: jasonslyvia (v1.3.0-)
- “de” : German – Thanks to: rtakeda (v1.3.0-)
- “id” : Bahasa Indonesia – Thanks to: robzlabz (v1.4.0-)
- “tr” : Turkish – Thanks to: myfell (v1.5.0-)
- “sv” : Swedish – Thanks to: MacDknife (v1.5.0-)
- “es” : Spanish – Thanks to: maw (v1.5.0-)
improved in future updates…
You can specify default current date.
Default value
The current date and time.
Example of use
<input type="text" id="date">
<script type="text/javascript">
'current' : '2012-01-01 00:00'
[Caution] If an input-field is not empty, THIS OPTION becomes INVALID.
You can specify output format (when using appendDtpicker() method for input-field).
Default value
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
(This format varies, if your setting the “locale” option. For example, if “locale” option is “ja”, this format will become “YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm”. )
Example of use
<input type="text" id="date">
<script type="text/javascript">
'dateFormat' : 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm'
In that case…Sample output (input-field):
2012/01/01 10:30
Available format (example date: 2012-01-02 06:07)
- YYYY: Year (Full) – ex: 2012
- YY: Year (Century) – ex: 12
- MM: Month – ex: 01
- M: Month – ex: 1
- DD: Day – ex: 02
- D: Day – ex: 2
- hh: Hour – ex: 06
- h: Hour – ex: 6
- mm: Minutes – ex: 07
- m: Minutes – ex: 7
You can change the interval of minute on timelist.
Default value
- This means the interval will be 30 minutes between each option on the timelist.
Example of use
<input type="text" id="date">
<script type="text/javascript">
'minuteInterval' : 15
Available value
min: 5 … max: 30.
Set the first day of the week displayed in the calendar
Default value
Example of use
<input type="text" id="date">
<script type="text/javascript">
'firstDayOfWeek' : 1
Available value
min: 0 … max: 6.
- 0 = Sunday
- 1 = Monday
- 2 = Tuesday
- etc.
Close (disappear) the picker when the date & time have been selected.
This option is available when the picker has appended to input-field.
Default value
How can I Disable particular dates?
You can disable weekdays by specifying only allowed weekdays, use below code (in below example user cannot select Saturday or Sundays)
“inline”: true,
“allowWdays”: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // 0: Sun, 1: Mon, 2: Tue, 3: Wed, 4: Thr, 5: Fri, 6: Sat
Or you can also use (“futureOnly”: true) to only allow user to select future dates and disable past dates selection.
Hope this helps.