jQuery Capitalize – A Plugin that provides capitalization for your input fields (or any other element) for proper names, places


jQuery Capitalize – A Plugin that provides capitalization for your input fields (or any other element) for proper names, places


Using the plugin

Include jQuery and the plugin on a page. Apply the plugin to the elements you want.

<input type="text" id="name" />

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.capitalize.min.js"></script>

Output sample

Before After
JOÃO A.DA SILVA João A. da Silva
ruA DA praça xv Rua da Praça XV
jonnas fonini Jonnas Fonini
LOUIS VAN GAAL Louis van Gaal
áREa de teRra Área de Terra


Website: http://fonini.github.io/jquery-capitalize/

Source Code: https://github.com/fonini/jquery-capitalize/releases

Thanks for reading,
Web Editor


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